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Weekend trip
Treat yourself to a night re-living the golden age of the railway with a stay at The Old Railway Station in Petworth, West Sussex. The …
Become Who You Say You Always Will
If I have a chance to whisper the best advice to a baby and he’ll remember it for the rest of his life is this: ENJOY YOUR LIFE. Nothing …
Explore Vancouver Mountain
During the summer my wife and I got to go on an amazing road trip in Vancouver Mountain with our good friends Samuel and Hildegunn Taipale. …
Brunch at Terrine
I carry my years without submitting to the regimen of time and its chronology of dates and seasons. I recognize myself living, hands …
Discovering Paris
Paris is one of the most beautiful cities on earth, a truth easily appreciated on a stroll that could yield one stunning vista after …
Daily Reason To Be Happy
Happiness is the universal feeling we all aspire to experience more of, yet, we can be an angry, moody, depressed bunch, can’t we? The …
Objectively streamline magnetic leadership skills vis-a-vis an expanded array of paradigms. Appropriately incentivize adaptive channels …
Wild Life Workshop
Habitat loss, climate change, poaching, and pollution paint a bleak picture for threatened and endangered species around the world. The …
Lazy Sunday Morning
On autumn weekends with good weather you can almost experience caravans of people marching over the grandiose lookout balconies between the …